About us
We are Independent. This means that we have no obligations or debts to other parties.
We give Hope to the less fortunate. Hope makes a huge difference in the world.
We set goals. And we crush them.
We make change happen. All the funds raised will be used to benefit some of the millions of children that have to work in order to Eat.
We are sustainable, we re-use products and we build schools from sustainable and eco-friendly materials.
The goal of The Next Smile is to eliminate child labour around the world and to make sure that all the children who are now working get the chance to go to school. We have made it our main focus to bring together policy and action in the favour of children who are working right now instead of studying. We also believe that child labour is one of the factors that hinders third world countries developing out of poverty. Our hope is that providing children with an education and giving them a greater chance to contribute to society, will also step-by-step solve other problems such as poor infrastructure or lack of electricity.