The Next Smile Charity Run
Run to get children out of child labour!
Participate in The Next Smile’s charity run! Sign up at your local runs which can be anywhere around the world. Then sign up here on this page. When signed up as charity runner of The Next Smile, the next step is fundraising. Invite your friends, neigbours, colleagues and your family to sponsor you!
When signed up, you will be sent (for free) a high-quality running t-shirt of The Next Smile which you wear during your run, showing all the spectators that you run for charity. And by doing so, getting children out of child labour.
How we get children out of child labour
There are over 150 million children around the world working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Those children mainly work so that they can eat food at the end of the day. The Next Smile is building schools in the poorest countries around the world where we offer an education to children who work, as do we donate every month for food. In 2021 we have donated over 91.800 meals which kept children out of child labour, and into an education.
With each €105 raised, we ensure that 30 children (a classroom) will remain to be out of child labour.
Promotion for companies
Are you a business owner and do you want to boost the image of your organization? Do you want to increase your online and offline presence? Is your organization actually trying to make this world a better place?
We offer to print the logo and name of your company on the t-shirts that we send to all the charity runners around the world that sign up. Those runners will run their run with your logo on their backs! Logo slots start at €500.
For more information, please contact us by mail.