About our fundraisers
Our biggest stream of donations comes from fundraising. We organise fundraisers though schools and organisations around Europe. We also get sponsored by amazing companies and make collaborations in order to raise awareness and money.
Our work is not possible without you!
We are not there yet. Still 152 million children between the age of 5 and 17 years old are working instead of going to school. This is why we need your help!
Use your talent to Help children all over the world!
On this page you can find ideas on how to make your own fundraiser in the name of The Next Smile. What is more beautiful than doing what you love and at the same time helping children in need?
Do you already know how you are going to fundraise? Send an e-mail with your idea to contact@thenextsmile.org. Once we have approved your plan you can start the fundraising.
Are you still looking for some inspiration? Below we have listed suggestions of different ways to raise money.
Regardless we wish you the best of luck with your fundraising and we hope you have a lot of fun in the process!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Contact us.
Pick your own fundraiser!

Did you find or came up with your own fundraiser? Then contact us through e-mail on contact@thenextsmile.org to start!