Help us raise €9963 to build 2 classrooms, an office and a toilet block for The Kindergarten of Joy. This would allow 80 children to stay out of child labour and human trafficking, instead they go to school for free, and hundreds more in the future.
About the Kindergarten of Joy
The Kindergarten of Joy is a school in Mafinga Iringa in Tanzania. This school gives free education to benefit the less fortunate children and families in their area. To give all the children a chance at education without dropouts. This school uses a very “modern” approach where they do not differentiate between children with different religions or tribes. Everyone is equal at this place. At this moment there are already 4 existing classrooms and there are 13 teachers working, all teaching different classes.
The the pictures below of the Kindergarten of Joy in Tanzania.
What is the problem of the Kindergarten of Joy?
Currently there are many problems for the Kindergarten of Joy. Problems like there is not enough money for food, teachers are underpaid (and sometimes not even paid), there are not enough facilities to teach, there is no money for school uniforms and transportation is a problem for children to get efficiently to and from school.
Help us raise a minimum of €14.748 to build classrooms for the our project in Malawi. This would allow 120 children, and hundreds more in the future, to stay out of child labour and instead go to school for free.
About the project
It is a non-governmental, community initiative school. The school offers free education, moral care and support to the poor, underprivileged and orphaned children of Mbita town and all the neighbouring communities. The project was founded after the realisation that they could make a change in their community where the majority of children had to work in order to eat. Education is a fundamental right of every child and creates a stable foundation from which they can build a brighter future.
At this moment the school has had to limit the free schooling that they offer to some of the children who live in dire poverty. The Next Smile intends to provide the school with three more classrooms so that more children from the area gets a chance to attend school.
What problems are the school facing?
There is great demand for schooling in this area, but currently the school can not operate properly due to lack of classrooms and low funding. The school can barely sustain the day to day cost of feeding the children and other necessities. Sometimes there is not enough money to pay for the teachers' salaries. When this happens the teachers have no other option but to leave, putting the school in an even more difficult position.
The school barely sustains the day to day cost of feeding the children and buying all necessities. The school is solely depending on donations.

What are the problems for the children?
The school is located in one of the poorest areas of Malaiw, in het middle of a town ship. Children aged 5-17 years old do not have the time to go to school because they have to work in order to eat. If they stop working, they can not afford to buy food for the day. Most of the children are subjected to an unkind and abusive lifestyle of selling on the side of the road, herding cattle and farming. Many children are orphans, abandoned or living with their grandparents which they have to take care of. Poverty is the driving factor behind most of these conditions.
If we build the classrooms we can offer the children to attend school for free. Once built The Next Smile will remain to support the school by donating for food. This way children get free education and do not have to work since the school can provide their students with three meals a day.
To feed a child 3 meals a day for a month costs as little as €3.50. This is the same price as a cup of coffee in Europe.

The average GDP in Malawi: $0,6K
38% of the children in Malawi are subject to the worst form of child labour.
Children work in the farming, harvesting, drug peddling, fishing and the sex industry.
What we can make happen with your help
With your support The Next Smile is able to provide with food and better teaching facilities.
When we have reached the minimum amount needed we will continue to raise funds in order to be able to keep providing the school with money for food on a long term basis. With every €3.50 raised a child gets provided with three meals a day for a month. This is not not a lot of money to you, but to the children of the school it makes a huge difference.
Building plans
Press on the PDF Icon to view the building plans for the new classroom building.
Why €14.748?
Please press on the Excel Icon to have an overview of the expected costs of the project. The donations are solely used for this project and do not pay for operating costs of The Next Smile. 100% of your donations goes to the project.
Why donate to us? What will happen with your donation exactly?
100% of the donations will be used for this project. The Next Smile takes 0% of the raised money for operational costs since every volunteer working for the charity is unpaid.
We also make sure that there are no middlemen involved between The Next Smile and the project in Kenya. We are in direct contact with the director of the school. This way there are no third parties involved who can make a profit on any transaction.
When we have reached our fundraising goal, a volunteer of The Next Smile will be present at the school in Kenya to personally supervise the whole project. This volunteer will then ensure that the funds are used solely for the benefit of the children. Costs of materials and labour will be paid directly to the seller by the volunteer so there is no third party who will benefit from your donations. These are the measures we are taking to make sure that 100% of your donations are used to benefit the children who will use the school.
Please help us reach our goal to provide education for children in Kenya.
What happens after we finish this project and build the school?
The moment we have built the school, allowing children to leave child labour, our partners from Younglings and Edufactors will take over. These 2 organisations are specialised in creating the right curriculums (while following local government guidelines). Our partners are specialised in revamping existing schools and giving them an academic, administrative and operational facelift for business sustainability and longevity.

Additional information

Classes from Monday to Friday
Indigenous languages
Religious education
Creative arts
Classes are provided from Monday until Friday between 8 am until 3 pm except during public holidays or as declared by the government.
First term: January – April
Second term: May – August
Third Term: September – December