The Next Smile strongly believes in the power of working together. Does your company or organisation want to be involved in making a positive impact on the world by helping children get out of child labour? Then The Next Smile is the partner for you!
We are looking to collaborate with local and international companies. The Next Smile gratefully accepts monthly or yearly donations as well as one time donations to a specific project. Are you interested in collaborating or setting up a project with us? Do not hesitate to contact us on contact@thenextsmile.org.
Together we can make a difference!
Become an associate
We are looking for like-minded individuals, influencers, bloggers or vloggers who would like to help us spread awareness about child labour though their social media accounts. It does not matter how many followers you have, the important thing is that you care about the cause and want to help.
If you consider yourself an influencer or a general supporter and you are interested in helping us, please contact us on contact@thenextsmile.org. We would love to have you as an associate!